Day 5: Workout 3 (1 Hr)

Low Body Battery

Full Workout Summary

1 hr
Dumbbells, resistance loop, TRX Suspension Trainer

Step 1: Warm-Up

Before exercising, it’s best to warm up to prepare the body. A warm-up consists of six to ten minutes of easy cardio and a spinal mobility routine. Feel free to pick your easy cardio. Your cardio session can be walking briskly on a treadmill, cycling on a stationary bike, using a rower, or using an elliptical. The key is that you literally warm up your body.

The spine and hip mobility routine is a five-minute movement routine below to get your spine ready.

Spine Spine and Hip Mobility

1. Cat Camel

Reps: 10
Keep the movement slow and controlled. There is no hold time.

2. Childs Pose to Cobra

Reps: 10
Keep the movement slow and controlled. There is no hold time.

3. Open Book

Reps: 10 on each side
Hold time: 2 sec

4. Lying Hip Rotation

Reps: 5 on each side
Hold time: 2 sec

5. Supine Active Chest Stretch

Reps: 5
Hold time: 2 sec

6. Supine Active Upper Trap Stretch

Reps: 5 on each side
Hold time: 2 sec

Step 2: Workout

1. Single Leg Hip Thrust

Sets: 3
Reps: Max (0 Empty Gas Tank)
Rest: 15 sec


2. Resisted Side Plank Hip Abduction (On Knee)

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15 (2 Full Gas Tank)
Rest: 15 sec


3. TRX Single Leg Curl

Sets: 3
Reps: Max (0 Empty Gas Tank)
Rest: 30 sec

4. Single Arm Alternating Shoulder Press

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15 (2 Full Gas Tank)
Rest: 30 sec


5. Bentover Alternating Dumbbell Row

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15 (2 Full Gas Tank)
Rest: 30 sec

6. Prone Overhead Press

Sets: 3
Reps: 10-15 (0 Empty Gas Tank)
Rest: 15 sec


Ciruit Ab Circuit

Sets: 2
Reps: 1 min per exercise
Rest: 30 sec after completing the entire circuit

Randomize your ab routine by clicking the button below. Randomizing your ab routine will give you better gains and remove the boredom.

Note: If an exercise involves one side or one leg, complete that side for 1 min. After completing each side, you completed your 2 sets.